Support the Great Commission


Attend Dallas Workshop -  Friday, April 25th,  9:30 am-12:30 pm
18383 Preston Rd Dallas, J
ust North of Frankfort


A Roaring Lambs professional will lead you through the process that includes:

Your personalized 50-page testimony workbook will help you structure and deliver your engaging and impactful God story

Helping you: 

Identify with your audience and catch their attention

Balance your testimony 

Identify how you discovered your need for God

Share in story form how you came to discover and accept the truth of God's Word, the Gospel, Jesus

Present the Gospel in everyday language

Present the opportunity to give their life to Christ, 

Present your testimony to the other attendees and receive helpful, non-judgmental feedback.

We have opportunities to speak to groups and be a guest on podcasts, radio, and TV shows.



Schedule a Workshop for Your Church, Organization, or Bible Study

Every Christian needs to know how to effectively share their faith story.
We'd love to customize our workshop for your group or organization!
Call our office at 972.380.0123 for more information.




 Read Workshop Attendee Testimonies! 

Sometimes when we try to articulate what God has done in our lives, words fail us. They fail us because the transformation we've experienced is profound, personal and reflective of God's mysterious ways. The Testimony Workshop provided me with a framework for telling others what God has done in my life. What a gift!  I'm eternally grateful to Roaring Lambs for helping me put into words what had lived in my heart for years.

 - Angie McCoy

I just wanted to tell you thanks for such a wonderful experience. It was tough writing down those memories for my testimony, but to God be the glory! The atmosphere that you have created at Roaring Lambs is so pleasant. I appreciated the teaching, as well as the encouraging feedback. I know that I grew a little taller inside last night.

Rhonda Robertson

I praised God all the way back to work!!  I would have NEVER accepted the truth two years ago.  He knew what and when I could handle what happened to my AJ.  He used Roaring Lambs and the amazing participants to speak into my spirit in a gentle and loving way.  NO ONE knew what was on AJ’s death certificate but my husband and I. I am much better equipped to tell my story to people, one-on-one or in a group to give them hope and peace.  That was my prayer.  I would get stuck because people would ask, “What happened to your son?”, and I would just freeze because I did now know what to say.  Now I know.  Thank you Jesus for using Roaring Lambs for such a time as this.

Arlener Poydras

The Roaring Lambs' Testimony Workshop was fantastic! The workshop provided invaluable tools and simple frameworks to craft my personal story in a way that points people to Jesus. Donna's incredible passion for evangelism and her own personal story left us all inspired and encouraged.  By the end of the workshop, I felt more confident in my ability to communicate my faith in Jesus in a more compelling and authentic way! The Testimony Workshop is a must-attend for anyone looking to deepen their impact through their personal testimony.
Sheeba Philip

What's Your Story of His Glory?

Did you know your personal faith story can be used powerfully by God? If you would like to learn how to put your testimony together, then you don’t want to miss out on participating in a Testimony Workshop, available to individuals, churches, and organizations.

The Testimony Workshop, conducted on a regular basis at Roaring Lambs Ministries, is a two-session commitment. In the first half of the workshop, facilitators will guide you in structuring your story. They will navigate you through your own “spiritual timeline,” and help you determine the times when God helped you overcome the trials in your life.

There are many “aha” moments in the workshop, as you discover a theme to your life, and see God’s work in your story more clearly.
In the second half of the workshop, you will have an opportunity to present your newly created testimony for the first time. Facilitators will provide gentle feedback to help you fine-tune your presentation. Then Roaring Lambs will offer opportunities to share your story through other venues if you are ready and willing!


Personal Help with Your Testimony

Call our office at 972.380.0123 to schedule a time to attend a great workshop to help you personally use the circumstances that God has allowed in your life for His glory and to help introduce others to Jesus Christ.