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A Roaring Lamb is a follower of Christ who boldly shares his/her faith, and fulfills the final words of Christ to “make disciples of all the nations.” They do it without fear, or embarrassment, and look for opportunities to speak about the truth, found in the Gospel. At all times, and in all places, they are a living testimony to the saving power of Jesus Christ.

The line between believers and non-believers in today's society is getting more and more blurred and many Christians are not being conformed to Christ, but to the world.  The difference between Christians and non-Christians should be as evident as night and day!  We have been called OUT of the world to transform the world!  We are to be IN the world, but not OF it!  Remember our citizenship is in heaven, not here on earth!

To change the world requires that we put Jesus Christ first in everything we do, by becoming salt and light OUTSIDE the church. 

Tired of Christian mediocrity?  Become a Roaring Lamb!  Join us in transforming our culture and society by standing tall for Christ wherever the Lord leads you. 
Not going anywhere?  Then ask the Lord to send you into battle!  The fields are "white" unto harvest ...


Founder Garry Kinder - In 1980, Dallas businessman Garry Kinder, who grew up under W.A. Criswell’s teaching, was asked to lead a community-based Bible study at Bent Tree Country Club. The Bent Tree Bible Study, now known as the Roaring Lambs Bible Study, began as a ten-week trial project, but 38 years later, is still going strong. The Roaring Lambs group is on its fourth trip through the Bible, with Mr. Kinder as the lead teacher.  The Sunday morning event includes prayer, music, complimentary continental breakfast, and the study, ending each week with the question, "What did you learn today that is applicable to your life?"

From that original Bible Study, many outreaches have been established.  As a Roaring Lamb, the believer is confident and effective in sharing Christ with others.  To better help them to do that, Roaring Lambs offers its own Testimony Workshop - a program that helps one look back on their life and identifies their spiritual timeline, putting together their own personal story of what God has done in their life.

Roaring Lambs offer many opportunities to share that testimony - in their community luncheons, international radio show, workshops, conferences, and through various opportunities, as organizations seek speakers from Roaring Lambs who can effectively share Christ against the backdrop of their life.

Faith can be shared verbally and through the written word.  Each summer Roaring Lambs offers Christian Writers Conferences and has established Roaring Lambs Publishing to help Christians publish their works.

Each Fall, Roaring Lambs gather in Dallas, Texas as two men/women are inducted into the Roaring Lambs Hall of Fame, thus honoring these Christians who live out their faith at home, work, and play.  



Garry Kinder and his brother, Jack, are well-known sales management consultants to more than 300 companies around the world. He is a graduate of Illinois Wesleyan University and a Trustee Emeritus. Garry and his wife, Janet, are active in civic affairs where Garry has served as President of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Kidney Foundation of Texas. He has also served as Chairman of the Board of the Bill Glass Evangelistic Association for twenty years. Garry is a true Roaring Lamb.



With a heart for God, people, and business, Donna stays active in the Christian community. She has been involved with this ministry since its inception and came on staff in 2008. Donna oversees all Roaring Lambs events and Bible studies, and she co-hosts an international radio show called, “A Time to Dream” heard worldwide on several various radio venues. This program features powerful faith stories. Prior to Roaring Lambs, Donna served with the American Tract Society as spokesperson, encouraging personal evangelism.  Along with her husband, Anton, Donna owned and operated a successful chain of ladies fitness clubs in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Donna especially enjoys speaking to ladies groups, churches, and retreats. Her rich Jewish heritage and her study of God's Word enhance her insight into the issues involved in Christian faith and living. In addition to her work with Roaring Lambs, Donna also serves as an Advisor to both the Fellowship of Professional Women and the Christian Women in Media Association. She has helped author and produce the Stories of Roaring Faith Series. 


Anton Skell and his wife Donna of 45 years, have owned and operated health clubs in five states. After moving to Dallas in 1980 to start Cosmopolitan Lady Spas, they joined and were baptized at Prestonwood Baptist Church. Anton served two terms as Deacon at Prestonwood, and as a board member of the Texas Fellowship of Christian Athletes. Anton teaches the Roaring Lambs Bible Study on Sundays 9-10:30
Contact Anton at [email protected] 


Kevin brings thirty-nine years of working in business and with Christian business leaders. Kevin began with thirteen years in a CPA firm, seven years as COO/CFO, for nine years trained tens of thousands of international Christian business leaders in over thirty countries, was a bank vice-president for four years, most recently was a C12 Chair in DFW. He can share how God used him to tell his story all around the world. Kevin met his wife Diana at Baylor University and this December celebrated their thirty ninth year of marriage. They have three grown children and three grandchildren. Please welcome Kevin and Diana to the Roaring Lamb family.


For ten years, Frank Ball directed North Texas Christian Writers to help members improve their writing and storytelling skills. In 2011, he founded Story Help Groups and joined the Roaring Writers ministry seven years later to encourage and equip all Christians to tell their life-changing stories. He has taught at writer’s conferences and churches across the U.S. and Canada. Besides writing his own books, he does ghostwriting, copy editing, and graphic design to help others publish high-quality books. As Pastor of Biblical Research and Writing for three years, he wrote sermons, teaching materials, and hundreds of devotions. He coaches writers, writes blogs, and is a panelist on The Writers’ View. His first book Eyewitness: The Life of Christ Told in One Story is a compilation of biblical information on the life of Christ in a chronological story that reads like a novel.


Marji Laine is a graduated homeschooling mom of four. She shares her North Dallas home with her husband of almost thirty-five years, her twin daughters who are completing their college degrees, and a rescue pup named Rosie (or Madam Barksalot, depending on the day). Most of Marji’s days are filled with her own writing (Christian mystery and suspense) or publishing and editing. When she does have spare time, she loves game night with her family or watching NASCAR races, football games, and old reruns of detective shows. She works with the women’s ministry at her church, teaches a women’s Bible study, and sings alto in the choir. You can connect with Marji at [email protected]


Our Mission


To change the culture for Christ by inspiring, equipping, and sending Roaring Lambs into our world  through a variety of ways:

  • Teach the Word of God and share practical application of the Scriptures
  • Train on effective presentations of personal testimonies 
  • Provide Opportunities for Christians to share their testimony through our
         Radio Show, A Time to Dream, our TV Show, Roaring Lambs, or through our published books,
         Stories of Roaring Faith   
  • Equip Christian writers through seminars, conferences, groups, consultations, and our Roaring Writers   
  • Publish Christian-based writing
  • Hold various Monthly Gatherings 
  • Honor those who are Roaring Lambs at our annual Hall of Fame Celebration


Our Beliefs

We believe … that the Bible is the verbally inspired Word of God and without mistakes as originally written.  It is the complete revelation of His will for salvation and the only unfailing rule of faith and practice for the Christian life. 

We believe … in one God, Creator of all things, eternally existing in three persons:  Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and that these three are co-eternal and of equal dignity and power. 

We believe … in the deity of Jesus Christ; His miraculous conception by the Holy Spirit; His virgin birth; His sinless life; His substitutionary death on a cross; His bodily resurrection; His ascension to the right hand of the Father; and His personal, imminent return. 

We believe … that man was created by and for God; that by man’s disobeying God, every person incurred spiritual death, which is separation from God, and physical death as a consequence; and that all people are sinners by nature and practice. 

We believe … the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins and that all who believe in Him are declared righteous because of His sacrificial death and are, therefore, in the right relationship with God. 

We believe … in the present ministry of the Holy Spirit indwelling all believers and thus enabling and empowering the life and ministry of the believer. 

We believe … in the bodily resurrection of everyone who has lived, the everlasting blessedness of those in right relationship with God, and the everlasting punishment of those who have rejected God’s forgiveness in His Son.