Resolutions or Revelations
New Years Resolutions or Revelations?
Your goals or God’s plan?
Many set goals for the New Year. After all it is a great time to evaluate your productivity and measure success. Did I reach my goals? Did I step closer to my dreams?
Some would argue it’s best to press forward. “Forget 2021, let’s get on with it 2022!” Sure we’ve had Covid and the economy and a political nightmare. There could numerous legitimate excuses about why we should just move on and never look back.
When considering 2021 we should be diligent in asking, what did I learn from what I learned?
There is no better time than now to dig deep in your soul to find wisdom to boldly move forward. In doing so we become stronger, well informed about navigating conflict through a clear and exciting lens of Godly purpose.
There is a difference in setting goals and having a life ‘purpose plan.’ Goals are the object of a person’s ambition or desired result. Purpose is the reason for which something is created, or for which something exists. Goals are your ideas, purpose is God’s idea.
The Bible speaks about purpose dozens of times. Proverbs 19:21 says it well. “Many plans are in a man's heart, but the purpose of the LORD will prevail.” We get to have plans, but God is the ultimate planner. We were made by Him, for Him, to bring glory to Him. Our lives are about His life. Our story is about His story.
People think that as a purpose coach I spend every waking moment helping point others to a life on purpose. Sure, there is plenty of that. But mostly I help others eliminate what is not their purpose.
How would it change your life if you knew specifically what wasn’t your purpose? Do you have a purpose plan for 2022? Here are some ideas:
- We are human beings, not human doings. We must be, then do. Who we are paves the way for what we do and how we respond to life. His presence must come first, it lights our personal path everyday. Seek Him first, then joyfully get to work.
- Feeling are not facts. We cannot base our purpose plan on how we feel. Our feelings change everyday, many times a day. God’s love and purpose remains the same. Fight negative feelings with positive facts. Truth trumps every time. Read the Bible out loud.
- Choose discipline over distraction. We know what to do, we must follow through. That is the power of purpose. Whether eating better or making better choices with our time, distractions are not only dangerous but often deadly. Have a plan and stick with the plan. And yes, no is a complete sentence.
You were made for a purpose. You are gifted with everything necessary to be a great you every day. A life on purpose is fueled by passion, energy, and enthusiasm for why you get up everyday. No path is perfect, strive for progress.
God has a revelation for you this year! Just ask Him.
Beth Townsend is a Literary Award winning author of Life on Purpose, dynamic speaker, Best TV Show Host in 2021 (International Christian Film Festival), and Purpose Coach (Certified by the Coaches Training Academy). If you need a Purpose Coach/Plan or speaker for your next event, find her at or [email protected].
Race For Grace
Isaiah 40:31 “. . . but those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary; they will walk and not be faint.”
This verse describes Bentley Grace. It is said, “It’s not where you start that matters but where you finish.” This saying certainly applies to Grace’s real-life story. Before she left the womb, Bentley Grace was part of a high-risk pregnancy. She and her twin brother, Lanier Preston, went into pre-term labor.
On that day, her brother went to glory to be raised by our Lord and Savior. The next three weeks led her parents, Freda and Lee, on a battle that no parent wants. The doctors said there was only a five percent chance that Bentley Grace would survive delivery. Freda, in bed, and Lee, on his knees, prayed she would be born.
They fought medical, social, financial, and spiritual battles until this precious little girl was born on May 7, 2001, at 24 weeks, and weighed only one pound six ounces. God answered their prayers, but more trials for this baby and couple soon would follow. Even though the battles continued, they saw their hardship as a blessing. Suffering builds character and hope. At that time, no one could know just how strong this little girl would fight and bless others by doing so.
I had the pleasure of meeting Bentley Grace and her dad on the busiest night in Boston. It was the Boston Marathon and the Red Sox playoff game. It was a chance meeting in the hotel lobby where we all stayed. I walked in and saw this beaming young lady. As a stranger, I was hesitant to approach her, but I have a heart for special needs kids.
She excitedly told my wife and me that she broke the Guinness Book of World Records that day at the Boston Marathon, completing over twenty-six miles. October 11, 2021, something she and her partner, Chris (aka she calls him Superman), will never forget. Oh, and did I mention they are undefeated?
Her happiness is contagious. She has a talent for overcoming the odds against her. She has a gift that makes you forget about your own problems as you stand in amazement at who she is. I asked her dad if my wife and I could take a picture with her. He confirmed and then started to share what this inspiring twenty-year-old had overcome.
When she was born, she suffered a brain bleed. It was not a coincidence I met her, because I was also in Boston to see my doctor due to a brain bleed. Her brain bleed gave her Cerebral Palsy. Then the doctors told them she will not live past age two. She is now twenty. They said she would not eat on her own, but she does. They said she wouldn’t talk, but she does. They said she will always be on a ventilator, and she is not. She rides a horse named Archer, and even though it is painful, it helps strengthen her core. Her dad said, “she is going to walk,” and I believe it!
The Hicks family is the kind of family you quickly warm up to. Lee asked me, “What are you doing in Boston?” I told him I also have a medical condition of brain bleeds. He asked if he could pray for me . . . someone who I just met five minutes earlier. His daughter had just gone through an amazing trial, but he cared enough about a stranger’s struggle. He exemplifies what it is to care for a daughter, as Jesus cared for the poor and suffering. Love thy neighbor!
BIO: Mark Cragle is a blogger and retired Field Sale Engineer. He earned his Mechanical Engineering degree at RIT and worked in that capacity for many years living in upstate New York. Mark is married to his wife Teri and they feel blessed to travel together. They have 2 sons, and daughters-in-law, and 2 adorable grandsons. Mark likes volunteering with special needs kids at his church and advocates for people suffering from brain diseases and injuries.
A Way of Escape
Have you ever felt like you are in a dark tunnel, and suddenly you see the bright headlight of a train coming right at you, with no way of escape? Or maybe you are addicted to something you just can’t let go, the pull is like a strong magnet and there seems to be no way of escape. Or maybe your bills are piling up faster than you can pay them, they seem to be multiplying, with no way of escape. We have all been there, and know it is not uncommon to run up against trials and tribulations that overwhelm and sometimes demoralize us, and we seem to have no way to escape. Fortunately, God's Word has an assurance for us.
Although my very impactful trial included a devastatingly difficult financial catastrophe, your own path to victory is the same as mine, regardless of the issue (relational, anger, integrity, substance abuse, or whatever). First Corinthians 10:13 (NIV) confirms the promise that God will provide for us a way of escape so that we can bear up under our trials. “No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so you can endure it.” (NIV)
Our “way of escape” from ANY dilemma is assured through our born-again relationship with Christ, faith in His guidance, anchoring our trust in specific scriptures from the Word of God and, implementing the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
To receive the stress relieving resolution to your overwhelming dilemma, your own “Way of Escape Success Steps” could be:
- Internalize your faith in First Corinthians 10:13-NIV.
- Determine the specific root cause of your dilemma.
- Discover and profess the specific scriptures on which to anchor your dilemma’s ultimate victory.
Romans 10:17 tells us that “faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” - Implement God’s success formula found in Joshua 1:8-NIV.
This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. I like to think about it like this My Success formula is: I+A=R, Information plus Application equals Results. - Specifically list what your new victorious life will contain.
- Move forward in confidence. Do the next right thing and draw closer to Jesus!
By cooperating with this guidance and implementing our Way of Escape Success Steps our faithful God will indeed bring to us His way of escape. Congratulations, you now have a way to change your perspective from being problem focused to being solution-oriented!
Keep pressing on, because you are trusting in a faithful God!
Greg Plants, was raised in Vienna, WV and after spending a short while at Marshall University he promptly joined the Navy. Of Greg's 51 years in aviation 20 years were spent as a Navy air traffic controller. The remaining 31 years were spent training general aviation pilots and training pilots for Japan Airlines in Napa CA and most recently for Southwest Airlines right here in Dallas. The most unique aviation job Greg had was to fly blimps: the Fuji Film blimp, the Bud One airship, Airship Shamu and the Snoopy 1 blimp travelling across America filming major sporting events like Super Bowl, World Series, U.S. Open tennis tournament in New York, Indianapolis 500, Daytona 500, and many PGA and LPGA events. Greg and his wife Rita moved to Texas in 2001 and live in the Del Webb Frisco Lakes retirement community in Frisco TX. Being retired, Greg spends most of his day sitting on the front porch writing whatever comes to mind, getting under Rita’s feet while doing honeydos’ for her, and sometimes teaching financial classes for the Frisco Lakes Life-Long Learning group, that he helped establish. Greg's passion for teaching about the faithfulness of God and financial empowerment is the result of the story he is about to tell you.
What are you holding on to?
By Alita Reynolds
A woman was walking down the sidewalk.
She was walking along, talking about her next appointment, carrying all her bags, with her phone in one hand, and her coffee in the other. Somehow, this crack in the sidewalk caused her to stumble and bumble, and finally, she fell to the ground!
But guess what? She did NOT spill that coffee!!!
Like this woman, the question I pose to you is this, “What are you holding onto so very carefully that you never mess this up?”
It doesn’t matter what comes your way, THIS, whatever it is that you hold in your hand, THIS will never spill or break.
Is it your looks? Never walking out of the house without your makeup done perfectly and the right clothes on,
Is it your workout schedule never missing one? Ever? To keep the scale at the right number?
Is it cooking everyone’s favorite meals every evening?
Is it planning and executing the perfect parties?
Is it keeping your home perfectly clean 100% of the time?
Is it keeping the kids in the right activities with the right gear? Always?
Or maybe it is rising up in your career at all costs, always being perfectly prepared for every meeting.
What are you holding onto like this woman who could take a huge fall, yet come up afterward and say, “Well at least I didn’t spill my coffee!”
My question is, “Are we holding onto the right thing?
What is it for you that you have to hold onto and never let it spill or fall or crash?
How do we let go of that tendency toward perfection, no matter what, and hold onto what actually matters?
Allow me to remind you, God has grace for you. Do you have grace for yourself?
I hear women claiming, “I’m a perfectionist” like it is a badge of honor or as a positive attribute. It so hurts my heart to know women carry this around, pride themselves on attempting to do all things perfectly. The thought of attempting to live this way feels so heavy.
Like a ton of bricks laying across the shoulders of a woman who is attempting to get it all right. And God wants to take that weight off of anyone who attempts perfection because it is IMPOSSIBLE to accomplish!
It is impossible to keep everything in balance at all times, likewise, it is impossible to do all things perfectly at all times.
We have to find the rhythm of life. We have to live in rhythm.
So that WHEN, not if, something falls, we are still on solid ground.
Our day or week or month is not ruined when something in our lives is not executed just exactly right.
While I have been accused of perfectionism and had the tendency to lean that way, I have learned what works best for me is the approach of doing things with excellence.
Not perfection.
My motto is this.
Anything worth doing is worth doing well, especially for the Lord.
It is the intent and motive behind it.
Doing it with excellence instead of perfection.
Alita Reynolds is the President of Women of Faith, ICCI Master Life Coach Trainer, Writer, and sought-after Speaker. She and her husband, GJ, are the Visionaries of Women of Faith, a global ministry equipping women to live victoriously with Jesus. Alita’s life purpose is as simple as her upbringing was on a Nebraska farm. She passionately inspires others to find Jesus by bringing out the beautiful story God has written for their lives. Alita creates opportunities to encourage everyone to find their God-given purpose, live a life of excellence, elevate all areas of their lives to bring others to Jesus, and lock arms together to Be the Light! She is real and authentic, with a deep desire to strengthen movements radically changing the world. This all starts at home in Lincoln, Nebraska, with her husband and three children, Logan, Rees and Lexi. For more, see
The Profile Of A Spiritual Athlete
Growing up, we had a dog named Pebbles. She was a miniature Yorkie and five pounds of spastic yippiness. Even into her old age, the second you let her out of her crate, she would sprint circles around the living room, rolling on her back and snorting in between laps.
There are days when Pebbles perfectly portrays my internal state – frantic and anxious. I’m busy yet aimless. Desperate to be purposeful and in control, I find myself chasing the wind of my shifting desires. Mentally I’m circling. I jump compulsively to reach elusive standards I’ve set for myself based on comparison and Instagram.
For months, I’ve been praying that God would sharpen my focus, strengthen my spiritual muscles. I prayed: Lord, let me be obedient. Let me run quickly when I hear Your voice. Like an elite hunting dog, train me to be a spiritual athlete—fast and strong.
The image of an attentive, powerful animal seemed noble to me. At my core I desire to make a difference for God. I long for my days to be purposeful, marked by meaningful, kind words and steady steps of obedience. I want to cultivate courage, to be known for my grit. I aspire to have unwavering endurance that yields fruit and faithfulness.
Yet, mixed up with those virtuous ambitions is a primal desire to be self-sufficient and in control. I aim to be strong and capable simply because it is uncomfortable to feel weak.
But over the past few months, the reality of my lack of control and utter vulnerability as a human, has never been in clearer focus. I’ve realized that God never asked me to be capable or strong. He asked me to come to Him and abide.
The Gospels echo with Jesus’ heartfelt yet simple message, “come to me.” To tax collectors perched in trees, to women hiding out at wells, and to little children giggling loudly while He taught, he said, “come near.” To the weary, to the burdened, to the broken, He holds His arms open wide, asking little in return. (Matthew 11:28; 19:14.)
The most consistent metaphor for Christ-followers in Scripture is not a grand German Shepherd or even a powerful stallion, but a sheep. Not a muscular, tactical animal but one that is fluffy, clumsy, and needy. God doesn’t need us, like a hunter needs a Retriever. He loves us.
Though He undoubtedly has plans and a purpose for our lives and destinations for our giftings (Jeremiah 39:11, Eph. 2:10), I’m coming to terms with the fact that there may never be a day when God unfolds the map and shows me where to run. For that would mean He is sending me out ahead of Him, alone.
God is not a faceless GPS, He is the Good Shepherd. He takes the thirsty, the fearful, the aimless and gently, patiently leads us along paths of righteousness through dark valleys to rest in green pastures and by quiet waters. He doesn’t bark orders or point to far away destinations, expecting us to travel there alone. Instead, He “gathers the lambs in His arms and carries them” (Isaiah 40:11). Though our pride desires capability and control, our souls were created for dependence.
Notably the action verbs in Psalm 23 are all attributed to the Shepherd, rather than the sheep. She is simply the grateful recipient, the trusting follower. Because in the end, while the destination is glorious, all the glory goes to Him—not her intelligence in discerning the map or strength to traverse the valleys. She arrives at the destination because of His daily, loving guidance. No turn or step is wasted. Not even this season of uncertainty.
The profile of a spiritual athlete still involves focus, strength, and grit (1 Timothy 1:7). But that power is fueled by an understanding of our own great need, rather than a clinging to the façade of our capability. Following the Good Shepherd through the valleys develops true perseverance, courage, and endurance. Waiting patiently with Him by quiet waters—even when the rest of the world seems to be passing us by—develops character. Stepping and re-stepping after a stumble, increases agility. Listening for His voice in the fog, cultivates faithfulness (John 10:27).
Lately, my new prayer is simply this: Lord, I trust you with today. Let me follow you faithfully.
And I can feel my spiritual muscles strengthening.
BIO: Morgan Eseke, is a strategic marketer, writer, and speaker, is passionate about discipling the next generation and helping all ages of women experience a deep, meaningful relationship with Jesus Christ. Morgan is currently pursuing her Masters in Christian Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary, and lives in Dallas with her husband David and their two young daughters. When she is not studying, strategizing, or speaking, Morgan spends her days playing pretend and playdoh or riding the Peloton bike (during nap time, of course.)
Watch Out for the Big D
By Julie B. Cosgrove
“In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry…“ Ephesians 4:26 Some believe a Christian should never get angry. But in Ephesians, Paul makes a distinction. He says to not let your anger lead you into sin.
Anger is an emotion. Even Jesus experienced anger (see John 2:14-15). He cursed a barren fig tree and it withered. He called the Pharisees a brood of vipers. But He didn’t chew on his anger, digest it, and let it get inside of Him.
We are all human, and we get angry. It is what we allow to happen next that makes all the difference.
It is difficult to control emotions when they bubble up but we can choose how to respond once they surface. Righteous anger can lead to positive results if guided by the Holy Spirit’s fruit of love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23). If your anger leads to malice, envy, pre-judgment, gossip, or not treating the other person in love (even if it is tough love) then watch out! You may be giving the devil an entrance.
D stands for “Devil”, and when we put a “d” in front of anger it spells DANGER!
Anger that has been stirred by the devil rarely makes a good recipe to swallow. It is flavored with self and seasoned with negativity. Add a dash of hurt and you are in a stew! Anger can then become more than a gut reaction. If we brood, it can lead to digestive issues, cardiac problems, and an embittered attitude.
Anger by itself is an emotion like any other. But if we act on it without praying about it first, then beware. We have entered into danger. The old adage of counting slowly to ten before reacting has merit.
When anger bubbles up, we need to be careful of what we think or say. Stop. Watch out for the “D’. Give it to the Lord. Then we won’t have to eat our words!
Freelance writer, award-winning traditionally published author and speaker Julie B Cosgrove leads retreats, workshops, and Bible studies. She writes regularly for several Christian websites and publications. Julie has won "One of the 50 Writers You should be Reading" in 2015 & 2016 by the nationally syndicated radio The Author Show and is a Grace Award finalist, INSPY semifinalist, and winner of the Best Religious Fiction 2016 winner and Best Cozy Mystery 2017 by the Texas Association of Authors. But her passion is story-telling and she loves to read mysteries and suspense as well as write them. She currently has three mystery series: The Bunco Biddies Mysteries, The Relatively Seeking Mysteries, and the Wordplay Mysteries. Visit her website at
Do you see the Butterflies?
She was born on Christmas day and named Faith by her mom and dad. The saying, “Wait until they reach the terrible twos,” meant something totally different for Susan and Connell, Faith’s parents, who also had toddlers, Victoria and David. Terrible because it would start a journey that no parent ever wants to take.
Faith had an episode of vomiting and a seizure. A neurologist’s visit suggested epilepsy, but her MRI scan looked clear. However, another seizure, ER visit, and scan three months later showed a fast-growing cancerous brain tumor bigger than a baseball.
Connell and Susan are Christians, and this would be a great test of their marriage and faith, and proof that God was there for them. “Please God, save her” was one of many prayers. Days later came her first surgery, followed by weekly blood draws, monthly chemotherapy, radiation, unexpected hospital stays during birthdays and holidays, and a new gamma ray procedure. The TV show, Dateline, heard about this trial and decided to follow her progress. However, when the good results everyone wanted didn’t happen, neither did the show.
They switched to a Christian oncologist surgeon. The doctor performed a second procedure that would only make her more comfortable, and hopefully, extend her life.
“Lord, I see you heal other kids. Why not my little girl?” Connell prayed. Miracles do happen, but many times not the ones we specifically want. Faith’s life touched many people.
Thanksgiving morning, Faith, now 3 years old, woke up and said, “Jesus came to me and said I need a piece of paper and pen to write my testament for Mommy.” At this point, the doctors said to just take her home and love on her. No more chemo and few medicines.
She had multiple birthday parties because they did not think she would live to reach the next one. When Faith played, she would say, “Daddy, the butterflies are here! They are telling me they will be taking me to see Jesus! I don’t want to go.” Susan asked her, “What do the butterflies look like?” Faith said, “They are all the colors, and you and daddy each have a big one. David and Victoria have small ones.”
Saul became Paul, and Faith became Marcy. Faith told her parents Jesus changed her name to Marcy. At other times, Connell would take her to the backyard, and she would ask, “Do you see the butterflies?”
Faith lost her sight the day after her birthday (Christmas) and began to crawl. She told her dad, “I can still see the angels.” Then it was time for hospice. Susan said to me, “It’s not that I had faith in her living. I did not know if she would. I had faith in Who is over her.” Connell felt like God never left them. At four years old, on February 5th, 2003, Connell told me, “Faith went home to be raised by Jesus.”
As humans, we do not understand that God’s thoughts are not like our thoughts. Connell and Susan cling to the verse in Isaiah 57:1 (NIV). “The righteous perish, and no one takes it to heart; the devout are taken away, and no one understands that the righteous are taken away to be spared from evil.”
My wife and I consider Connell and Susan dear friends. I met them a month after losing little Faith. Twenty years later, they mention Faith frequently. Sometimes I still see the hurt, but mostly, I see the peace that one day they will be with her again.
Oh, and one last comment. Susan was looking at cards about the meaning of Christian names. She came across one for Marcy, the name given to Faith by Jesus. It means “Heroine of Faith.”
Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.
1 Timothy 6:12 (NKJV)
By Mark Cragle
Mark is a blogger and retired Field Sale Engineer. He earned his Mechanical Engineering degree at RIT and worked in that capacity for many years living in upstate New York. Mark is married to his wife Teri and they feel blessed to travel together. They have 2 sons, and daughters-in-law, and 2 adorable grandsons. Mark likes volunteering with special needs kids at his church and advocates for people suffering from brain diseases and injuries.
Me, First
I’ve never been one to be all that adventurous when it comes to expanding my palette. I know what I like and I stick to it. However, I’ve always admired others who will try anything, especially when traveling. Realizing that the culinary experience is as much a part of taking in the culture as any other , they are eager to try anything the locals might have on their own plates. As for me, if it has tentacles, an uncooked gelatinous consistency, or looks back at me from the plate, I’m likely to say, “You first!” when the platter is passed around the table.
There are some among us who are more likely to say, “Me first!” when it comes to adventuring. It is a “Me, first” that characterizes a burning desire to learn how to solve a specific problem, find out what is just over the horizon, or learn about living creatures that survive in extreme environments.
While these people tend to be leaders in their fields, I believe that a more apt term for them would be “pioneers.” They are driven to discovery by their own curiosity, and passionate perseverance to complete their quests. They are likely to want to be personally involved with the venture, and have a higher tolerance for risk than the rest of us. Finally, they are principled, believing if given enough time and resources they will reach their objectives.
An example of a pioneer in his field is Dr. Horace Wells, a dentist in the mid-nineteenth century. Dr. Wells was a compassionate man who took his Christian faith seriously. He also took dentistry seriously, and was well-known even at a young age. He invented a slogan to help people remember to clean their teeth, “The clean tooth does not decay!” He knew that the healthier people were, the less likely they were to need his services for tooth extraction. Extractions traumatized both Dr. Wells and his patients as anesthesia had yet to be discovered. The pain Dr. Wells had to inflict on his patients caused him to quit the work he loved several times before taking it up again.
One evening a traveling medical show arrived in Dr. Wells’ hometown of Hartford, CT. Part medical lecturer/part showman, Gardner Quincy Colton appeared on stage carrying an odd bag with a hose. Colton explained that the bag contained a gas that could cause people to hallucinate. A young man volunteered, and after inhaling from the hose, began to act under the influence to the delight of the audience. He gashed his leg during the exhibition, and didn’t seem to notice until the effects of the wore off and he returned to his seat. Dr. Wells took note of the whole chain of events, and began to wonder, could the consequence of pain be separated from dental surgery?
The very next day, Dr. Wells engaged Colton and an associate, Dr. John Riggs to extract one of his own nagging wisdom teeth. Unsure of how much gas was needed to effectively spare Wells from the pain, Colton and Riggs objected. However, Wells insisted. In essence, he was saying, “Me first.” He was willing to take the risk to solve his own dental dilemma, satiate his own curiosity and pave the way for others who needed relief from the screaming pain that tooth extraction inflicted on patients.
When we turn to the book of Hebrews in the New Testament of the Bible, we are told by the writer to “[fix] our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” The word for “pioneer” in the original Greek language means “source,” “princely one,” or “founder.” As we think about Jesus and his pioneering way, we see that He indeed is the source of our faith, as it is only by his death, burial, and resurrection that makes the way for us to have eternal life. In the book of Colossians 1:18, Christ is called, “the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy.” Since we are created in God’s image, it makes sense that when we pursue the quest that the Lord has put upon our hearts that we are, in essence, reflecting the pioneering spirit of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
So, what are we waiting for? Now is the time to activate the gifts the Lord has given us by applying them to problems we see in our churches, communities and our country. Make the burning call of your heart “Me first!”
Jennifer Epperson serves as Executive Director of Kinship Radio. As her own life has been deeply impacted by the life-changing impact of Christian radio, Jennifer has been grateful to have spent over three decades in the industry.
Previously, she was Moody Radio’s Director of Research and Learning and has been station manager of WRMB-89.3 FM (Moody Radio) and WFIF-1500 AM (Blount Communications). Jennifer has worked and taught in international contexts and spent five years as the Executive Producer of TWR’s Women of Hope radio program. Jennifer holds a doctorate in organizational leadership and has taught leadership and radio on the university level. She is the chairwoman of the National Religious Broadcasters Radio Committee and is a member of the NRB’s board of directors. In October, she released her first book, The Pioneer’s Way: Leading a Trailblazing Life that Builds Meaning for Your Family, Your Community, and You in October 2020.
Recognizing Cycles of God's Favor
Have you ever found yourself in a seemingly impossible situation, holding fast to faith in almighty God, but at the same time wondering "How can God possibly get me through this?" If you have, you are not alone! Testimonies abound of people who have overcome impossible odds to break through to the favor that God has planned for them. Before the breakthrough, that question looms larger than life.
We can look all throughout scripture for examples of God's amazing last-minute saving grace. Moses and the Israelites fled Egypt but found themselves stuck at the border of the Red Sea with Pharaoh's armies in hot pursuit. David fled from the relentless murderous spirit of King Saul, but could never lift his hand against Saul, God's anointed. Elijah boldly triumphed over the prophets of Baal under King Ahab and Queen Jezebel's wicked reign, but fled into the wilderness fearing for his life, exhausted and overwhelmed. Esther found favor to become the queen of Persia, but her kindred Jewish people were set to be annihilated unless she risked her own life to appeal to the king. All of these eventually triumphed with God's favor!
In our own lives, the worldwide pandemic this past year has brought fear, confusion, division, uncertainty, and loss. Many people are finding themselves in situations that appear to be hopeless. Work that once provided a steady income has disappeared. Many have lost loved ones or suffering with health complications. Others are weighed down by a mounting pile of bills and debt. The bonds with friends and family have been tested by the stresses of social and political turbulence.
It is important during times such as these to know that God's grace has not left us. We have reason to rejoice even in the middle of trials and tribulations. God's love for each one of us is deeper than we can fathom! When we cry out to our Heavenly Father, he hears us. "The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them." (Psalm 145:18-19) With reverence toward God, paying attention to His whisperings in our circumstances, and diligently following His leadings, we can celebrate with joy over the care of His hand on us.
Not every season appears to be a season of God's favor. God's favor comes in cycles as He prunes, purifies and prepares our hearts for the next season ahead. Recently, God reminded me how He pulled me out of small beginnings and multiplied my blessings five-fold in just the span of months. After enduring the humility of the current season, imagine my rejoicing as He imparted to me that a time of increase is coming again soon. God's favor is surely upon us, even as circumstances appear to say otherwise. In due time, God reveals the open door of favor He has destined for us all along.
Zoltán Szentkirályi is a researcher of spiritual and physical health. A statistician by training, he earned his statistics degree from the Ohio State University and is currently a professor teaching statistical software at Southern Methodist University. Relatively new to the Christian faith, he has a passion to share testimonies of miracles and empirical evidence of the power of the God in action. His ministry focus is on overcoming trauma and affirming the depth of God's love for every individual.
Battling Anxiety
Cast all your cares on him because he cares for you.
—1 Peter 5:7
Have you ever received a text from your teenager/young adult saying, “Anxiety really bad this morning. Going to class late”? How do we process these words when our child is away from home? The feelings associated with not being able to help are far from fun. I have wanted to pack my bag, jump in the car or plane, and go make everything better. How about you? It’s hard, isn’t it? I’ve learned to slow down in the moment, get quiet, remember the promises God has given me about my child, and ask for prayer support.
When my child sent that uneasy feeling kind of text, I encouraged them to do their best to get quiet, turn on some worship music, pray, and allow God to meet them where they were at today.
By grace, I’ve been able to choose trust in God’s ability to meet my child’s need in every way. I intentionally thank him throughout the day for making himself known to my children.
I must give my children the freedom to choose Jesus and press into him. I can provide encouragement and tools, but I cannot save them or become their savior
I read an article recently on how anxiety, fear, and stress impact the brain. The amygdala is an almond-shaped section of the brain that is responsible for a chemical response when negative feelings occur. A simple way to combat these uncomfortable feelings is to breathe deep, practice meditation, and gratitude. Meditation will help calm and shrink the amygdala. Deep breathing will help get more oxygen to the brain and gratitude will shift thoughts away from the amygdala and move us toward the prefrontal cortex. The PFC is where we can think clearly, be creative and make good judgments about our circumstances. The amygdala lives in the back of the brain and is activated during fight, flight, freeze, or appease moments. Slowing down and taking time to develop a consistent habit of deep breathing and meditation will improve mental health. The benefits of adopting these practices will heighten your emotional intelligence and lessen your emotional response. In other words, it instills a steadiness or calm into your reply or being. Secondly, you gain more mental clarity. Third, you become more self-aware and your empathy increases. Lastly, your attention span grows giving you the ability to stay attuned and present.
There are many examples of meditation in the Bible. Genesis 24:63 says, “And Isaac went out to meditate in the field toward evening.” The main reason God directs us toward meditating is to achieve perfect peace. “You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you” (Isaiah 26:3).
How do we become steadfast in our minds? We focus. We get quiet. We meditate. God knows these thoughts will keep our minds in a good and life-giving place. We are to think on what is pure, lovely, and of good report.
Scripture points us toward obtaining peace in this world. Peace from anxiety and stress. God came to give us his peace. It is his gift to us. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts; instead, be courageous!”
Patti Reed is wife to Frank and mom to Ryan and Hope. She homeschooled her children for 7 years with a commitment to impact the spiritual, emotional and intellectual health and growth of her children. She is an Entrepreneur and owned a Christian advertising business for 18 years here in DFW. Her most recent venture as a new author and certified coach in conversational intelligence®? began over three years ago when she answered God’s call to write a devotional for parents of teens/young adults coming this Spring.
Wash Day Grief
Have you ever noticed the settings on your washing machine as they relate to grief? Consider these common washing machine settings:
NORMAL: Normal responses following a loss may include mood changes, changes in eating and sleeping patterns, feelings of anger, abandonment, despair, loss of concentration, loss of energy, and the loss of motivation. These responses can vary based upon previous loss experiences, our relationships, and even our personality.
SMALL LOAD: Each person’s grief is a major life event. However, there may be some days the grief pain is not as intense. These days offer the time to catch your breath. Regardless of the relationship…regardless of the circumstances surrounding the loss…it is a major loss.
LARGE LOAD: Grief can bring on very intense feelings. These feelings can be overwhelming, even to someone with a history of always being under control. We can be paralyzed emotionally because of the shock a loss brings.
SPIN CYCLE: Several events can throw a griever into a “spin cycle”. Holidays, birthdays, anniversaries, photos, music, food, and even fragrances can begin the “spin cycle” of emotions. These are normal twists and turns along the journey of grief.
RINSE CYCLE: The rinse cycle is a time of refreshing. Tears provide a natural rinsing, a cleansing of the soul. Grief encompasses all of the confusing and painful emotions felt after a loss. Mourning is the outward expression of these feelings...whether through tears, words, or actions.
COOL DOWN: No one can take grief away. Expressing grief to a safe person, or becoming part of a grief support group, can provide a “cool down” time. These steps can help soften the pain of grief, but the awareness of the loss will remain.
Give yourself permission to be a “NORMAL” griever. Some days will bring a “SMALL LOAD” of grief…other days will consist of a “LARGE LOAD”. The “SPIN CYCLE” may be intense at times…while the “RINSE CYCLE” of tears can cleanse the soul as we mourn the loss. Peace and acceptance can offer a “COOL DOWN” phase…a time of rest.
Jesus did NOT say “Blessed are those who GRIEVE”! But, He DID say “Blessed are those who MOURN, for they shall be comforted.” Matthew 5:4. Grief is the confusing tangle of emotions and feelings that are within following a loss. These may feel like loneliness, sadness, emptiness, anger, guilt and regrets. No one can see our grief, it is personal and private.
But, when we talk about these feelings the grief becomes mourning. A good definition of mourning is “grief gone public”. Mourning may be talking about the feelings, or even actions to honor the life of a loved one who died. Every one grieves, but not everyone mourns in a healthy manner.
Find a safe person who will let you talk about your feelings. As you talk about your grief you are mourning the loss…according to Jesus, that is when you find comfort.
Psalms 147:3 “He heals the brokenhearted, He binds up their heart”.
Bob Willis has served as a Southern Baptist minister and hospice Bereavement Coordinator. He is a frequent speaker on grief, loss, and caregiver issues. His book “A Guide For Grievers” was released in June 2017, providing information on grief and supporting those who have experienced a loss. Bob has been a sculptor for over 25 years. In May of 2018, he became the Sculptor at The Great Passion Play, Eureka Springs, Arkansas.
Set your house in order because Christ could come today . . .
And some tasks may be unfinished if you are called away.
An angel may have told you at the early morning light . . .
“Your Lord will come this evening and you’ll be home with Him tonight.”
Our hearts may become clouded as we think of work undone . . .
Those seeds that weren’t scattered and the crowns that we might have won.
There were souls we meant to speak to and Bible verses we meant to share . . .
And there were a lot of wasted moments we could have spent in prayer.
Now there are a few short moments to set undone things right . . .
And feverishly we’d labor until we see the warning light.
We all have a slothful soul and a careless heart and some spiritual eyes that seem to have no sight . . .
We need to work, and not reap in vain regrets, because my Lord Jesus may come tonight.
“Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.” (Matthew 24:44)
Tom Kesting was born and raised in Bluefield, West Virginia, and attended West Virginia University on a football scholarship. He worked in the marketplace doing sales and marketing for 30 years and worked at In Touch Ministries for 26 years. Tom became a Christian when he was 41 years old. Three days a week he broadcasts a 15-minute inspiration program on Facebook and sends out daily encouraging emails to friends and to those interested in positive encouragement and inspiration. Tom lives in Lilburn, Georgia, and has been married for 20 years.
Blunders to Blessings
Where is it? I felt along my right side for my little black purse. It wasn’t there! My heart leaped in terror. Where could it be? I had attended the Christian Bookseller’s Association (CBA) Convention and was now returning home to Texas. Traveling alone in the Orlando International Airport gate area, I was hurrying to the Disney store to buy a gift for my granddaughter when I discovered the missing accessory. Yikes! I must have retrieved my attaché case at Security but not my purse. Will I ever see it again? My credit card, driver’s license, a few dollars?
With pounding pulse, a sickening emptiness, and silent prayers, I ran to catch the people-mover for a ride back to the main airport lobby. I accidentally boarded the wrong one that took me to the opposite side of the huge reception area. So, I rode back to the gate and found the correct people-mover to my original Security checkpoint---all the time thinking… It will be a miracle if my purse is still there.
When I arrived at Security, I asked the female attendant standing by a desk if she had found a small, black purse. Without hesitating, she reached in a drawer, asked my name, pulled out and opened my purse, examined the drivers’ license, looked at me, and said, “This looks like you. Here’s your purse.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
The plane now boarding, I stepped onto the correct people-mover and raced to the gate. When I finally took a middle seat with a sigh of relief, I thanked the Lord that I made the flight. A distinguished white-haired gentleman on my left introduced himself as the consultant for Word of Life Press, responsible for selecting materials for Christian publishing in Korea. We engaged in a lively conversation and he expressed interest in what I had brought to CBA. Imagine our thrill several months later when my “Hen Friends” and I were notified that our Courage for the Chicken-Hearted books were being translated and published in Korean.
Romans 8:28 came to mind as I reflected on all my boo-boos that day: “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose” (NASB). It reminded me that when we love God, we can make the best of everything because we want to fit into His plans, fulfill His gracious purposes, and follow Christ.
It is a privilege to serve a loving and compassionate God who is for us. Either directly or indirectly, He can use providential events for our spiritual growth and for His glory. Just as varied ingredients of medications work together for the intended result, the word of God, the Holy Spirit, our own experiences, and the testimonies of other believers prove that God does work all things together for good when we have a heart for Him and want to fulfill His goals. Sometimes the benefit is realized with temporal blessings (like finding my purse), and/or spiritual and eternal joys. Perhaps, through the Scriptures in our chicken books, someone in Korea will be drawn closer to God, introduced to Jesus, become a believer, or expand God’s Kingdom.
I had never lost my purse before and haven’t since, but when I think about that incident, it reminds me that our sovereign God is in charge. He allows divine appointments and causes all things to work together for good if we love Him. He can even turn our blunders into blessings.
BIO: Fran Caffey Sandin is a retired nurse, wife, mother, and grandmother in Greenville, Texas. She enjoys baking, flower arranging, hiking, and traveling with her husband, Jim. Fran is a church organist and a core group leader for Community Bible Study. She is the author of See You Later, Jeffrey and Touching the Clouds: True Stories to Strengthen Your Faith and co-author of others. Jim and Fran are parents of two sons awaiting them in Heaven, a beautiful married daughter and son-in-law, and three fabulous grandchildren. Visit Fran at her website:
Published on Monday, March 2, 2020 @ 8:11 PM CDT
Defining Love
This is the month for romance. The stores are full of hearts, candy, balloons, and flowers all awaiting use in the middle of the month. I can’t complain. I love the influx of new movies on the Hallmark channel and clean romance novels to add to my to-read pile. I even write romantic fiction and this month is full of new inspiration.
But romance and love are not the same things. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve finished reading a book or watching a movie and declared, “I give it six months.” Many couples involved in fictional romances simply don’t have what it takes to engage in real love.
There’s an old song from the ’80s by Steve Camp. Maybe you remember it? “Love’s Not a Feeling,” declared that there was no emotion involved in the concept. I won’t go that far, but the word is definitely a verb, characterized by action that shows the depth of commitment, whether in friendship or affection. It isn’t as some websites suggest, focused on physical attraction or defined by moments or situations that cause deepened relational connections. And, contrary to those same websites, most romantic movies, and daytime shows, it doesn’t have to include drama.
We are encouraged to love one another in order to show God’s love. We are directed to love our neighbors, particularly those who aren’t so very loveable. We are even told that if we don’t have love for others, what we do have is of very little value no matter how amazing it seems.
My longtime minister and friend passed away last year. Dennis Slaughter always told me, “People don’t care how much you know until they see how much you care.” I’ve since learned this is an old saying from someone long ago, but the truth is profound. And I’ve experienced this kind of love before:
- Years ago, I enjoyed watching my teenage son help a mom and her large family out of a daycare and into their car.
- Even before that, my sweet hubby used to take baby-duty at night just to let me indulge in a full eight hours of sleep.
- My longtime friend brought my sick family a bag full of soups and applesauce.
- After my husband had lost his job, members of our church family helped support us for one more month until his new job began.
- And just last year, I reached the check out at a drive-thru and found the person in front of me had paid for my meal.
Have you seen love in action like that? Maybe you’ve been the one showing the Lord’s love? I’d love to hear about your experiences. You can share them with me at [email protected].
A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another. - John 13:34 - 35
BIO: Marji Laine is the Director of Publishing Services at Give her a holler if you have a question about publishing, writing, homeschooling, raising twins, or directing a children’s choir. She might not be an expert in all those areas, but she can help you brainstorm some ideas and be your cheerleader as you go along.
Published on Friday, January 31, 2020 @ 8:04 PM CDT
Be Intentional in 2020
Donna Skell and I had been studying the Original Pancake House's extensive menu as the server came to take our order. "There are too many good choices," I said.
Upon making our selections Donna told the server, "My friend and I are going to pray over our meals in a few minutes. How can we pray for you?"
The server paused for a moment, then began opening up, telling us about an issue in her life.
I thought, what a great way of starting a spiritual conversation and sharing Christ's love. Of course, I had heard of people doing this before, but it was the first time I had seen it demonstrated.
A couple of weeks later I wanted to try this on my own. I was nervous, but when the server approached, I asked her that same question about what we could pray for her about. She said, "Let me think about it." A few minutes later she came back to my table and shared some things she wanted prayer for.
Some people may respond to this question by saying, "No, I'm good." But seldom do people get angry. It's a low risk, potentially high reward action. The key is being intentional.
The evangelism pastor at my church shared a three-step process to be intentional about witnessing. We should do these steps EACH DAY.
1. Pray and Ask.
Ask God to prepare people's hearts and draw them to Him. Also, ask Him to prepare our hearts to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading and to give us words to say.
2. Go and Look.
As we go about our daily lives, look for opportunities to be kind and share God's love. It might be as simple as saying an encouraging word to the grocery store cashier. Other times, we might strike up a conversation and ask questions that lead to a spiritual discussion.
3. Show and Tell.
Reportedly, St. Francis of Assisi was quoted as saying, “Preach the Gospel at all times. Use words if necessary.” NOT TRUE. In fact, there’s been no published source located prior to the early 1990s that contains that quote. Certainly, we must show the world God’s love by reflecting Jesus through our lifestyle. However, too often we modern-day Christians use that as a cop-out for not verbally sharing our faith. Saint Francis, like the Apostle Paul, boldly proclaimed the gospel. In Romans 10, Paul says that people need to hear the gospel so that they can believe. We must show and tell.
Remember, we are not responsible for others' responses to the gospel, but we are commanded to share our testimony - what we have seen, heard, and experienced. On average, people need seven "touches" before they make a decision for Christ.
As we begin a new decade, let's be intentional about sharing the Good News with others.
“Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." - Mark 16:15 (NKJV)
BIO: Dr. Sherry Ryan is a blogger, writer, and speaker. She retired in 2013 from the University of North Texas as an Associate Professor of Information Technology and Decision Sciences. Prior to earning her doctorate, she worked for IBM, teaching courses and speaking at national conferences. Sherry is the Director of Communications at Roaring Lambs and is on the Board of His Appointed Times Ministries.
Check out Sherry's blog It provides "Inspiration and Information for Overcoming Life's Challenges."
Published on Wednesday, January 1, 2020 @ 8:22 PM CDT
The Christmas Doll
I’m seven and a half years old and it’s Christmas time. My two older brothers and I live with our mom. I like living with Mom better than Dad. Mom can’t afford as much stuff, but she’s nicer and I don’t have to sleep with my little step-sister who still wets the bed. I’m a big girl now so I don’t wet the bed anymore. Well… not often anyway.
Mom has to work hard to pay for the things we need. Our clothes are old. Mostly we wear what other people give to us because their kids grew out of them. It’s not so bad because old clothes are softer than new ones. It’s a good thing we live in California and don’t need coats because we don’t have any. Sweaters keep us warm enough on our way to school once we’ve walked a while.
Our big brother. who’s eleven, cooks when Mom’s working. We eat lots of oatmeal with butter and sugar when we can’t buy milk or eggs. At least we don’t have to eat soggy milk toast anymore. Yuck! Sometimes we eat hotdogs and sometimes beans. Lately, we just have tortillas for lunch and dinner with butter and sugar. I don’t mind. I think anything made with butter and sugar is fine cooking.
Still, when Mom says we can’t afford presents for Christmas, I believe her. I guess kids don’t grow out of toys as fast as they do their clothes. I try not to be disappointed but I’m sad. I don’t want Mom to know how I feel because I don’t want her to feel bad, but there isn’t much I can do about tears falling on my pillow just before falling asleep at night.
We do have a nice Christmas tree, though. It’s kind of scrawny and it doesn’t have a lot of decorations—mostly paper ones we kids made. Of course, there are no presents under it. But it’s tall and smells good.
The night before Christmas finally comes and I remember something. Mom forgot about Santa! He always comes through with something! I have to go to bed right away so Santa can come.
In the middle of the night, I get up to go potty. The kitchen light is on and Mom’s sitting in a chair resting her head on her crossed arms on the table. Her eyes are closed and she’s making a kind of purring sound so I know she’s asleep.
I wonder if Santa came. I’ll just peek around the corner. The kitchen light is shining on the tree in the living room. Hey! What’s that thing in an open box under the tree? It’s—no, it can’t be—but it is! It’s a doll! A brand new baby doll! I tiptoe in for a closer look. I know I’m not supposed to touch presents before morning, but she’s so pretty! Her pink dress is as soft as flower petals like it was made that way instead of having been washed a bunch of times. She’s the same size as a real baby and her blue eyes open and close like one. Oooh! She even feels like a real live baby. I inhale the smell of her straight yellow hair. It smells new. I love that smell. I love this baby. I’m going to name her Sally.
Sally can’t sleep in a box on the floor; she’ll get cold. I softly sneak her to my bed and fall asleep with her cradled in my arms. I wake up again needing to go potty. Oh yeah! I forgot all about it the first time. I must not have slept very long because Mom is still sleeping in the kitchen with the light on. As quietly as I can, I gently place Sally in her box-bed under the tree. Goodnight sweet baby. I’ll see you in the morning. And Boy-oh-Boy! Will I ever be surprised!
That Christmas morning so many years ago, I had yet to be properly introduced to God. I knew Jesus was God’s son and Christmas was Jesus’ birthday. What I didn’t know was how to truly love and trust Him.
Years later I came to understand how much God loves us. "He gave His one and only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in Him will never perish but experience everlasting life." John 3:16 (TPT) That’s a Christmas present we can all celebrate.
As a child, I would never just leave a gift for me under the Christmas tree. Don’t leave God’s precious gift of salvation through Jesus unopened.
BIO: Vivien Chambers spent many of her early years in Tacoma, Washington. She moved with her husband to Texas in 1981 and now resides in the Fort Worth area. Vivien has served as a Stephen Minister and presently enjoys volunteering as an assistant in a Multiple Sclerosis swim class. Vivien is currently working on her first book. She has five grown children and six grandchildren.
Published on Saturday, November 30, 2019 @ 8:52 PM CDT
Turkeys, Then and Now
The older you get, the more great memories you have that center around the marvelous American traditions of Thanksgiving. It’s one of my favorite times of the year!
My memories include going to West Texas and passing by lots of turkey farms where the gangly birds could be seen by the hundreds. They were so cute when little, but the bigger the bird, the more the ‘strut’. Turkeys strut, just like some people I’ve known.
When the leaves begin to fall and the wind begins to whistle through the pines, I think of my folk’s lake home on Cedar Creek in East Texas. We’d gather there for Thanksgiving and laugh ourselves silly. I can still smell my mother’s huge kitchen awash in aromas of goodies.
Being a history nut, I’m keenly aware of the 400 year “First Thanksgiving” anniversary coming up in 2020. Imagine. Four hundred years since the Mayflower sailed from England full of saints and sailors searching for a new life. There were 102 men, women and children on that rickety, smelly cargo hole where they were stashed for 66 days. They got a late start from the old country and disembarked at Plymouth Rock too late to plant a thing. But they were grateful to be alive and held a prayer service before beginning the arduous task of building hasty shelters. Half of them starved the first winter. But God sent help, in the form of an English speaking Indian named Squanto. The Pilgrims, and their new Indian friends celebrated their first Thanksgiving with a three-day feast in the fall of 1621. They were thankful to the God of heaven for the bountiful food, for the Indians’ help and most of all, for the Almighty’s faithfulness. It reminds me of a song of thanks I’ve taught my grandchildren:
Psalm 92:1-2. “It is good to give thanks to the Lord and to sing praises to Your name, Most High! To declare Your kindness in the morning and Your faithfulness by night…and Your faithfulness by night.”
Many Americans in 2019 seem ambivalent to the bountiful blessings that Almighty God has heaped on us. To some, Thanksgiving is about football and food…in that order. But as we cram more and more mashed potatoes or pumpkin pie into our mouths, perhaps we need to pause and reflect. We would do well to remember how He saved our wretched lives from Hell and gave us new redeemed ones. I for one, am shocked how good He has been to give me family and friends by the boatload with undeserved and unmerited favor to boot!
The older I get, the more I realize it’s about our marvelous Savior and God’s infinite mercy in giving us beautiful people to decorate our lives. How dull life would be without them. His people surround us like so many turkeys on a farm. Sometimes they are cute and fuzzy like the baby turkeys. Other times they drive us crazy when they “strut their stuff.” All precious, but each one just a tad different than the other.
This Thanksgiving, agree with me to love and hug more, fuss and fume less. As you gather with loved ones, go around the table and remember the goodness of our Father. Good food, yes, but good memories, more.
Reflection is good for the soul. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!
BIO: Bettye Petree served Magazine and Newspaper Editor for Southland Life, Texas Director and National Prayer Lead for National Council on Bible Curriculum in Public Schools, four terms as School Board Trustee for Lovejoy ISD, and Texas Life Award, PTA of Texas. She is a graduate of Christ for the Nations and an ordained minister. Her awards include Communicator of the Year - International Association of Business Communicators and Woman of the Year Matrix Award - Women in Communications. She is married with three grown children and six grandchildren.
Published on Sunday, November 3, 2019 @ 9:13 PM CDT
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Share about:
- Our good God
- How God is at work in your life
- A witnessing experience
- Something Scripture has taught you
- Must be 500 words or less
- Contain at least one Scripture
- Include an interesting title
Along with your blog, submit an 80-word bio with your "headshot" photo to [email protected]
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